I Have Not Actively Worked. I Have Sat Quietly.

This post is about racism. But the same may be said for so many of us regarding all other injustices against human beings across the world. So, what have you done?

Teri Carter's Library


In times like this, white people are quick to throw their hands up and dissociate themselves from racism and the person accused of the racist act. But how many of them can say they have actively worked to challenge the racism in the people around them? How many folks have sat quietly as Uncle Jimbo tells the story of the time he put that one nigger in his place at work?       ~~ Jamilah Lemieux, Ebony Magazine

Within minutes of seeing it, I send a message to his mother, my cousin. Have you seen your son’s new tattoo?

There is a flag. There is a noose. There are the words Southern Justice scrolled across.

 I’ve seen it, she says. But he just turned 18. He’s an adult. What am I supposed to do? I want to scream, You are supposed to act like his fucking mother! and You’re…

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Juanita's Place

Every now and then, some thoughts come up in my mind, triggered by things I see, things that happen around me, as well as in my life. And I sometimes wish to share them. This then, is where I will share my thoughts on...just about everything! Enjoy!!!

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